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Yarn Dyeing


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I have done a great deal of dying with wool for hook rugs. The common mordants are salt, white vinager, Alum- a spice. There are others and each have a different effect on the dye color and setting properties. To repeat the same color one must write very acquirate notes, or dye enough at one time. You can dye with food colors, kool-aid, common rit dyes or more specialized dyes like Jacquard Acid Dyes or Cushing dyes, or plants. You can get wonderful yellows that are fast set from onion skins. I have made rich browns from walnut skins and shells from the field out back of our old house. There are flowers that make dyes, also. You can over dye yarns and wool. The possiblities are endless and fun, solid virbrant colors or varigations or various shades or one color. You can read good info on the net about dying wool. Look under dying yarns or dying wool for rug hooking ( not hook rug- there is a difference). If I can help let me know, you can email me private also. I can say have extra yarn on hand to dye because it is addictive. Good Luck

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