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A Note for Celtwich

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My heart goes out to Celty for having to make the decision to close her site. I was a frequent visitor of her site and made many beautiful doilies from her patterns. We have truly lost an excellent resourse in the preservation of these wonderful vintage patterns. Thanks for all of the hard work that you put in to your site. It did not go unappreciated by people who truly love the art of crochet. Debie

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Because every other thread related to the closing of celtwich's site has ended up with posts that needed to be deleted, I am pasting this message I've put in all the other threads here as well:


Warning: I have had to remove quite a few posts from other threads, because people are posting information on how to use various back door methods to access the patterns Celtwich has removed from her website.


I understand people are upset at the loss of these patterns. But Celtwich has chosen to take down her site. While the patterns she had posted may be in the public domain, the patterns as she typed them up and formatted them on her site are indeed copyright to her. By posting and telling potentially thousands of people how to go around and find back door methods to access those patterns against her wishes, we would effectively be committing contributory copyright infringement.


To protect Crochetville from any legal issues, I must ask that people not use posts, private messages, or email through the forum to share or discuss ways of accessing Celtwich's patterns, unless the information is how to contact Celtwich directly to get the patterns directly from her.


Again, if anybody finds a working email address for Celtwich, please send that to me via PM. I have an offer/suggestion to make to her.

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