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C'Ville Bad Influence

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I'm across the pond, as it were, and I'm QUITE aware of the Euro Cup; I've been following it every day I'm not at work. :)


The image of a hat being plopped onto an unwilling head during such an important match is just too funny for words...partially because it's something I'd do! :laughroll


My BF is quite happy about my crocheting, since he's gotten quite a few hats from it (he doesn't know it, but he's getting an afghan for his birthday). He's even asked me to do a stuffed mascot for him for his school this fall!


I do, however, laugh when he calls a granny square a grandmother square...or other things...hehe.

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Thank you for an entertaining few minutes reading your post and most of the replies. I often feel I would get more crocheting done if not for this place, but, like a friendly neighborhood get together, we all just love to get back here and see how everyone is doing.


Thanks for the smile.

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I manage to combine a lot of crocheting while watching TV (especially in the evening when I'm a bit tired). In fact this afternoon I plan to check the Olympic trials and work on my latest shawl at the same time.


Pure bliss...



who is a widow and doesn't take to remarks from others as to how I spend my leisure time...

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