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The Unwanted Martha Stewart Poncho...

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My .02 cents worth...having never known any of my grandparents and not really having much of anything that belonged to any of them (and always lamenting having missed out on knowing them), I would highly value and esteem something made just for me by any of them. My mother has made doilies and quilted table toppers and wall hangings for me (I love them all) and you can bet they will be handed down one day. :yes

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My mom passed away last year, but about 10 years ago she bought me a sweater for Xmas. It is now ratty looking, it is fraying at the cuffs and a few sizes too big for me because I lost weight, but it is still my favorite sweater....it is like getting a hug:hug from her each time I wear it. My advice is to keep it. It will mean alot more to you as the years go by.:yes

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Keep it! I still have vest (from the 70's) that my grandmother made me. They are in the cedar chest and every once in a while I just have to go into that chest and look at the work and love my grandmother gave to me.


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