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Pop Culture Madness: The Black Eyed Peas, the White Stripes, and Star Wars...

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*sings* On the cover of the Rolling Stone... Okay, so they're not on the cover, that honor goes to Darth Vader at the moment, and he doesn't do crochet. But I did spot three instances inside the magazine, in ads for new albums.


The cover of the new Black Eyed Peas album, Monkey Business, seems to have two crocheted items on it. One is the... top... (it's a bit like a shrug) worn by Stacey Ferguson (Fergy, the girl). It looks like a black spider's web. It's hard to tell but I think it's probably crochet. The red scarf worn by William Adams (will.i.am, at the back with the megaphone) might be crocheted, too. The texture and thickness don't look right for knitting. I swear to nothing, however.


I'm more certain about the new White Stripes album, Get Behind Me Satan. The coat worn by Meg White has black crocheted lace cuffs and collar. Meanwhile, her ex-husband, Jack, looks hotter in that photo than ever I have seen him. Pardon me while I drool for a few minutes.


Speaking of Darth Vader, though, his wife doesn't seem to have the slightest problem with crochet. Attack of the Clones was on Fox tonight, and having never worked up the interest to actually watch the whole thing, I left it on as background noise. I happened to be looking up when Padmé picked up a heavy off-white wrap and put it on front to back. Although it was hard to tell, I was almost certain it was crocheted. A quick Google for photos confirmed my suspicions. It's really beautiful, too.


Lastly, I recently spotted some amazing bun covers as part of some traditional Mexican costumes. I was up close to those, so I know beyond a doubt that they were crocheted. They were so great I might try to duplicate one and turn it into a pattern. :D

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