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Crochet and Grief?

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((ashleigh)) My deepest sympathy to you and your family.


When you feel the time is right, crochet may become a great help in your grief. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed away last April and I crocheted furiously through the whole process, even at her bedside in the hospital in the last days of her illness. I found it kept my brain calm and my fingers busy.


Please take good care of yourself and do what is best for you.

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I can't say any more than what has already been said, I lost my grandpa 14 years ago and still miss him terribly. I keep a piece of him with me, sharing his spirit with my 5 year old daughter...through memories she 'knows' her great-grandpa. They're always with us. :hug:hug

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Ashleigh ,

What your feeling now is very normal. We lost a 17 month old grandson 2 years ago to an accident and I wasn't able to keep at any of my crocheting until last month when a friend told me about this site. I found the Crochet for Charity thread and started to help make squares for the comfortghans. I guess it made me feel like I was helping to ease someone elses pain and I haven't put the hook down since. My sympathy to you and your family. I know your hurting right now and it never really goes away it just gets easier to bear over time. Cry all you want and as long as you want , it's the best thing you can do. I still have a few tears almost everyday and I miss my grandson very much. When your ready you'll be able to get back to crocheting. You'll know when it's time. :hug To you and your family I'm sorry for your loss and thank you villagers for getiing me back in the loop! :manyheart

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I am so sorry for your loss. Losing someone you care about hurts more when you already feel abandoned by friends. Please know the community here cares about you and we will do what we can to support you! I wish I could give you a hug in person, to remind you you are not alone in this journey, but an e-hug will have to do :hug

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Thanks again to everyone. The hugs and best wishes are all greatly appreciated. We went to the burial last Tuesday, and it was absolutely beautiful. We had a small amount of our distant relatives show up, and seeing as the town his funeral plan was in is really small, about half the town's population showed up to pay their condolences, including one of my mom's second cousins, who looks about 60, and is about 80-ish.


We had the car break down just pulling off of the exit into the town, and managed to coast into a truck stop, where we had the manager offer to take us to the funeral home. The whole way there, she's talking about how her grandpa worked for my great grandpa's brother, and how the family name is still alive up there. It's kind of funny, because apparently my grandmother's uncle was the mayor of the town, and owned the bank in town back in the day.


The hospitality we recieved was fantastic. The scene up there was absolutely beautiful. It's still a farming town, and most of the properties on the outskirts are huge farms. There was about three feet of snow everywhere, and everything had this unique smell. The cemetary was gorgeous, and small, and I have never had so many people open car doors for me, help me out of cars, help me across ice. I'm not used to that kind of kindness, seeing as I live in a big city.


The service was beautiful. The bishop in my grandparents' ward said a few very heartfelt and touching words about my grandpa, and they had a small graveside dedication.


All in all, I really enjoyed seeing everyone, and finding out my roots. I may want to make a point to start going up there. It's beautiful, and so relaxed.


I've decided I'm going to finish the afghan I meant for my grandpa and give it to my grandma as a birthday gift.

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