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When working on chart afghan...

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I just purchased some chart patterns for afghans, and I was wondering what do you guys do for the back of the afghan?


Do you leave it like that or do you put something on it so you can't see all the yarn?


Is there instructions on how to finish it up?

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I'm not sure because mine all end up looking like a mess in the back. There are some members here though that make such beautiful pieces, the back is as lovely as the front. Hopefully they'll spot this thread and give you some tips :)

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I've only made two afghans from a graph. The first I just wove in allllllllllllll the ends, but the second I made a plain black afghan in the same size and attached it with the edging. It made for a reeeaaallllly heavy blanket, but it worked well for my purposes because it was for my son's rest time at school and the thickness make it softer and more cushiony.

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Most of the time, I carry the unused yarn and work over it. Yes, some of it does show through slightly, so if you're doing a really delicate piece you wouldn't want to do that, but in most cases it looks fine. It's an advantage of crochet. Knitted afghans are more difficult; Fair Isle afghans pretty much all need lined.

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I always weave in the ends. My grandma used to sew contrasting material on the back so that the extra weight of even more yarn wouldn't make it so heavy. I would definitely put a back on it if you have alot of ends, it saves time....

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I just did one and I wove in the ends of the yarn. the back looks almost as good as the front, except the wording is backward. I can't take a pic of the back because I already gave it to my son for christmas.

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