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Crochet in the Wild-A Challenge to C'villagers

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Gentle crocheters, inspired by my local paper that ran a contest for people to submit photos of themselves "knitting in the wild," I am challenging fellow 'Villagers to have someone take a photo of themselves this holiday season (which started last night with Hannukah and lasts until January 6) Crocheting in the Wild. Going over the river and through the woods to visit Grandma? Stop at the bridge, whip out a project, and have someone snap a photo! Stuck in the airport with a snow delay? Keep your sanity by crocheting and record it in glorious digital color! You can pose facing a sign of some place you visit, if you're shy, but let us see the crochet in your hands!


Off you go, gentle crocheters! Wield the mighty hook and let's conquer the wilderness (regardless of however tame and urban that wilderness might be!). City, country, indoor, outdoor--take those projects public!


Patty (who's suggesting this because she's not traveling anywhere this Christmas and will be lonely and therefore wants to live vicariously through you!)

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