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I'm Knitting!

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(so maybe this isn't a crochet project, but I thought it would fit)


My sister got a bunch of expensive books on Sunday, and I was looking through the one on cables. And I decided I wanted to make something. My sister has been trying to get me to knit for a long time, but I 1) could not find something to make I liked, 2) did not like poky needles (I knit a crochet hook case on really small dpn's---my fingers did not like it) and 3) did not feel like knitting socks.


So now I'm making a cabled scarf on bamboo needles, and I actually think I like knitting! (now to get the Herrschner's afghan book with the cool knitted afghan LOL.)

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Reader's Digest Knitter's Handbook




Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Without Tears


taught me a good bit about various techniques of casting on, holding the needles (in fact, I use a really archaic technique for that, that I picked up in one of the books), and I really like knitting with bamboo needles, especially circular ones.


I got interested in knitting for a couple of reasons:


1 - there are some things that simply look better when knitted.


2 - a few years ago, when I was broke, I learned that I could get more mileage out of a rare or expensive skein of yarn by knitting.


And now that I know how to do both, it gives me more latitude in projects, and designs. I can't imagine being graceful enough to manage double pointed needles, especially small ones, but I can see starting a doily or afghan with a crochet center, then transitioning to knit to finish it.


Crochet Pattern Central has a link to Knitting Pattern Central, as well as to a section for combination Knitting and Crochet Patterns. You probably already have the link bookmarked, but here it is so you have it handy.




But my first & most instinctive art is crochet.


Let's see pics of your scarf as you get going on it!


Have fun!:knit

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Tracey - I think I remember reading in one of the books I mentioned above that there are, like, a gazillion different ways of knitting that are "right" in different parts of the world, and at different points in history, and for different uses - I think the Handbook illustrates, like, SIXTY-something ways JUST to CAST on!!! YIKES!!!


So, your "backwards" just might be right on track, somewhere...hehehe

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