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Sweet Kolden

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I just received a letter form my aunt. My cousins boy, Kolden, just got out of the hospital again. Kolden's condition is not so good. He has taken a turn for the worst and had to be hospitalized.

Kolden's story: he is a beautiful little boy who at eighteen months was diagnosed with Primary Restrictive Cardiomyopathy. A very rare form of heart disease. He is now four and is awaiting a heart transplant. His heart failure is now contributing to respritory problems with his lungs. He has started retaining fluid which is causing severe swelling of his face and abdomen. He underwent a heart cath. on July 16th. When he was able to come home he came home on I.V. medications and a machine that helps stimulate his heart and keep him alive until they are able to find him a new heart. If one is not found soon enough he will need a lung transplant too. He is on the top of the transplant list. When he is feeling well he LOVES to play as any 4-year-old does and he is a sweet child.

The pain this family is dealing with is almost unbearable. Plus, they have four other children to care for. If there are any organizations that may be willing or able to help or support groups that you know of that deals with this disease or diseases like this and would like to get involved, please PM me. They live in MO.

Also I crochet toys for him when I can. I know that he even loves the cards he recieves. If anyone is interested in adding a little something to the care package I will be sending, please PM me also.

Thank you for just listening!

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