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Is there anyone that makes Rag Rugs!!!

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Hello everyone I am wanting to see if anyone makes Rag Rugs. I am wanting to have some made for around my house and I do not know how to make them. If anyone can help and teach me please let me know or if there is anyone that is interested in making these for me i will purchase the material if you can make them for me. If anyone can help please let me know.



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I use a " N " or a " P " hook and stripes about a 1/2 or 3/4 inch wide and use a single crochet stitch. These mats are incredibly heavy and I doubt that they would be worth shipping because of mailing costs. You can use almost any kind of fabric, though I have found that sheets work out best. Cut your fabric straight across almost to the end and then back, leaving about 1/2 inch at the turn, or edge. A two foot by three foot mat takes about a queen size sheet. I sell mine at a farmers' market so you might consider looking at a market near your home. They are not hard to make but the cutting does take time. Some people recommend a rotary cutter though I prefer using scissors. A good source of fabric is goodwill if you have nothing you want to cut up in your home. I prefer to crochet the strips with yarn for extra strength....also makes them machine washable and dryable. Try not to mix fabrics....wool only with wool, cottons with cotton etc. I use shirts , pants, literally any fabric I can get though I find T-shirt material very hard to work with.

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