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I was wondering....

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I have come up with an idea for a stitch marker case, not crocheted but sewn. My question is would anyone actually be interested in buying this? I want to put it up on Etsy but I don't want to if there would be no interest in it. I wanted to sell them for like 6 or 7 dollars and then (depending on cost of materials) I was going to donate 50% or more to a charity, the charities would change every couple months or after I reach a certain goal. Would that encourage you to buy knowing that the only thing I would keep would be the cost of material?


I am on a huge donating kick and came up with this idea last night. Thanks in advance and I will get working on one tonight so you all can see what it would look like.

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I would definitely buy something like that. I'm always looking for better ways to organize my crochet gear. I say go for it! Or if you're worried about making more than you could sell, you could always make them on a made-to-order basis. But I think it's a great idea. :clap

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The worst thing that could happen is that you post it and don't get a lot of orders right? Are they simple enough that you could make them up quickly if you got a mass of orders? Or would you have to maintain a stock?


I have to say honestly that I probably would not buy it because I don't really use stitch markers. But I do know that a lot of people do, especially knitters. Go ahead, give it a go.

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