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Where's the Strangest Place You've Ever Hooked?

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I usually get strange looks and/or am just told out-and-out that I'm crazy when I tell some of my friends that I crochet at red lights, in traffic (I can get quite a few rows in this way on my way to work!), and even tried at the movie theatre (it worked okay until the lights went down, then it just depended on how bright the screen was during certain scenes (this was a movie I went to for/with my children). But I have a feeling this is nothing out of the ordinary for you folks, and that you could probably easily outdo me on these locations. So I was wondering, where's the "strangest" place where you've pulled out your hooks?



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High School during History, English and any other class I had and at work. I plan on taking a project to a class next month and crocheting some rows on breaks.

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