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is there a support group for yarn-buying addicts?

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Okay , the Doctor is in.....:hook Look at it this way ladies, there are way WORSE habits than yarn! Think of all the alcoholics, heroin and crack addicts, and not to mention the people addicted to pain killers. At least a yarn addiction keeps you healthy and happy , not to mention your friends and family get lots of nice gifts. AND don't forget that you can make money to recoup your losses if you choose to part with a project and sell it for a little cash! Don't worry about it unless you are letting your kids go hungry or they are cutting off your electricity because you are out buying yarn with all your money! You have one go around on this earth....have a little enjoyment in your life without all the guilt!


I do budget my yarn money, but occasionally, it sure does feel good to buy some yarn. If I sell something and there is nothing pressing that needs paid, I use it to buy more. Maybe some yarn that I wouldn't normally buy. And to keep the guilt down, I try to buy on sale. So, it sounds like most of you do that too, so I say ENJOY! What we spend our money on ....we usually always have something to show for it eventually.


We will support/enable you wholeheartedly!:manyheart

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Oh, I was a good girl! I held against temptation, and didn't buy any yarn! In fact, I stayed away from Michael's entirely! I even went to Wal-Mart and walked through the craft section, and didn't buy any. I am so proud of myself. I did promise myself that as soon as I finished my baby blanket that I'd buy some to make summer tops for myself and my daughter, though, so I'm now working super hard to get the blanket done *rofl*

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Must stay away from Michael's and HL . . . Walmart's shutting down of craft depts has curbed my spending some since that was the only source in my part of town. Michael's and HL are 25 miles away. Of course on-line ordering doesn't help my wallet.


I agree that this is a positive addiction.

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