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For the Free Yarn - A Belated Thank You!

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A few weeks ago I was reading posts and I followed a link to someone's blog that said that she was cleaning out her stash and had free yarn for anyone who contacted her while she still had it. I wrote to her and was lucky enough for her to still have some. She was very kind and sent me four great skeins of yarn, but as luck would have it, the day after the yarn arrived, my computer suffered a crash. DH got me right back up and running again, but as a result of the crash I lost my entire personal filing cabinet and with it, the name and email addy of the sweet person who sent me the yarn. I have looked in every folder I have and have tried every link I have come across, all to no avail. I just can't find the name or email addy of the sweetheart who sent me the yarn. Hopefully she is reading this forum (this is where I found the link to the blog) and she sees this GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!!! I truly should never have waited this long (it has been two weeks since I received it) but I kept thinking that I would find her name and email link at any time, so I held off hoping to email her to thank her. However, that was not to be, so it's high time that I acknowledged that the yarn DID get here, and I am ecstatically happy with it!!! THANK YOU, it was VERY kind of you to send it along!



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Does your email save sent messages? If you haven't tried, you could check there!



My email doesn't automatically save to a folder, I have my settings to save only what I put in there. The thing is, I DID save the email, but I lost it when my PC crashed and my whole personal filing cabinet went the way of the dodo. I have even tried looking through my email address book, because it saves every name that has ever sent me and email or been listed as a recipient on any of the emails I have received, but I have no idea which one it could be, and I have over 1000 names in my address book. I posted it here because the person IS a C'ville member, and I had SO hoped that she would see it. Maybe she still will.



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