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How do you wrap your crocheted gifts?

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I haven't tried this, but your post got me thinking: we've got a craft store here that sells all kinds of pretty boxes ~ kind of like the old hat boxes, but printed with all kinds of different pictures/patterns ~ and I think those would make great gift boxes for handmade things! I'm going to have to look into that now that you've got me thinking... hmmmm... :tup

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If you use a basket/tub, get (crochet?) a teddy bear and wrap it up like a baby and sit him up in it. Wrap and add small baby toys. Since she'll most likley get duplicate items, things that can be used up, baby powder/lotion, wipes, etc. are always great. Hope this helps. Congrats to the new parents.

Ellie 13


:clapOh, I like this! Cute idea! You could even put the teddy w/blanket in a basket or doll stroller. I'll have to remember that one!

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I try to put my crocheted gifts in boxes and then wrap them. I save bags for when I'm giving a bunch of small things and I want to make it easier for the recipient to keep it all together. Tonight I wrapped up a pair of crocheted slippers in a nice box lined with colored tissue. They're floral slippers so one of the tissues had different types of flowers printed on it and it looked really cute. Then I wrapped it in pretty paper, tied it up with curling ribbon, added some extra curls, and topped that off with a bow. Now my sister will have the fun of unwrapping the mystery box.:)


I've also given blankets as gifts and used blanket boxes for that. They would've been too heavy and awkward for a bag, and it kept them from getting scrunched or wrinkled. Basically I wrap my crocheted gifts the same way as I would if I had bought them.

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