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Head, meet brick wall. Brick wall, meet head

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I was 18 when my mother died and I never got to have an adult relationship with her, but now that I'm the "grownup" and have adult children, I find that keeping a loving distance is a good idea. But, when adult parents and children find themselves sharing the house, either the parent's home or the parent in the home of the child, some respect for the homeowner and their rules has to be observed.

In the case of this post discussion, I just don't think one thing has anything to do with the other. I find that almost without fail, when a person,(family, friends, spouse, whoever) is constantly ragging on you about something, they are feeling bad about themselves and trying to bring you down so they will feel better. If you didn't have qualities they admire on some level, what would they have to tear down?

If someone says you crochet/craft too much........I'm guessing they are envious of your talent and the fact that you allow yourself the free time to enjoy it. Envy, and jealousy, are Cinderella's evil stepsisters.

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I would live with my if I could but her husband might not like that ...he is the house should be clean enough you can eat off the floor type ...I am if you move the dirty clothes off the couch take a seat type....lol Not really ..My house is my home and it is lived in very lived in I home school so the whole house has things in it ....So I understand not having a real place for your daughter to play...I am lucky with the fact my mom doesn't nag about my crocheting she enables it ..

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