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completely overwhelmed

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My DH once told his friend I was his bi-polar hooker. His friend was insulted for me until I explained that hooker was just a silly term we crocheters use for ourselves. He called me bi-polar because as soon as I get some new patterns, I'm excited to try them all at once. I have a few WIPs going on right now but the list of UFOs I have is much longer.


Last week, I found an afghan I started 7 years ago, a wolf graph afghan kit I recieved from my MIL 5 years ago, 10 doilies I don't recall ever starting, a few scarves and a stuffed animal I keep forgetting to buy the stuffing for. I'm sure I'll find more as I go through the rest of the boxes that need to be sorted for the big Spring Cleaning day.


So don't worry Karin, you're not the only one that has some catching up to do. I don't think I'll ever get caught up unless I give up what little sleep I get already.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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