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hope someone can help...can I post this?


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My mom gave me a ton of Afghan patterns today... I really would love to scan them in and offer them on my website...BUT

1. the compnay no longer exists...I cant contact them.

name is: columbia minerva


I have searched and searched for awhile now and cant find any info in them.

NOW...these WILL NOT be sold I want to offer them for free.

Since some of these date back to 1950..you cant buy them anymore but there are some very very pretty afghans and toys in them.


NOW... How do I go about finding this company if the are no longer in business? Mom has pattern from them up to 1983 so it was around then that they closed.

These are so adorable I want to show everyone but dont know how to go about getting permission!



*note I will profit in no way from posting these*

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Lindsay, unfortunately, you may not be able to find anyone who has any authorization to give you permission to post the patterns. However, that doesn't mean that they are no longer protected under copyright law.


Here's a link to a site with information about when copyrights expire and publications are considered to be in the public domain. If these patterns were published in the 1950s, they may or may not be in the public domain now.


It all depends on if they were originally published with copyright information on them; and if they were, was the copyright renewed. I am not sure how you would find information as to whether a copyright was renewed. You could contact the US Copyright Office to see if they can give you that information. At the very least, they should be able to tell you how you could find it.

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