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Hats for a 11 year old girl

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My cousin is 11, and wears baseball hats ALL the time. It drives her mom nuts.


They agreed that if I could make her some cute hats, she'd try them out instead of the baseball hats (she's a HUGE Yankees fan).


However, I'm completely out of the loop with what an 11 year old, sporty-type girl might like. A girly-girl - I'd be all over that, but Katie plays softball like a pro and isn't so much into the girly-girl stuff.


She does like pretty things, just not frilly and sparkly stuff.


I'm thinking of doing the City Girl cap from the CAD calendar (one for me, too, lol!) for her.


Any other ideas on what a girl her age might like? What colors are hot for kids that age?

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Perhaps you could do the City Girl cap in the Yankee colours, blue with white trimming? That way, both your cousin and her mom are happy. This was a method I managed to get my 12yr old DD out of some of the weirder fashions at her school (the grade 7's and 8's think it's cool to wear flannel pajamas to school). With my daughter loving everything Army and Camo, I've been working on some fashions for her with these patterns to get her dressed for school these days.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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