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North Alabama Crochet Day/Retreat?


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Would anybody be interested in coming to a crochet day/retreat in the Huntsville/Madison area of north Alabama? I'd be happy to organize an all-day Saturday type of event, with optional Friday activities, if anybody is interested.


No idea on costs yet, but if I can get an idea of how many would want to come, whether you'd want to spend Friday and/or Saturday night, I can start to work on finding an appropriate facility.


I'm thinking of the January/February timeframe, because I know I don't have time with the holidays coming up to get it planned before the end of the year.


Let me know if you have the slightest bit of interest!

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  • 8 months later...

Oh wow!! I know that you've probably given up on this idea, but I would LOVE to do it if you decide to do it this winter or early spring! Wow! I'm in Texas right now, but we're moving to Athens on August 13th-15th, and we plan on living there for at least 10-20 years lol. :) Also, I have some family in the area who crochet/knit, so they might be interested as well. Sounds like a lot of fun! I hear you're also doing a prayer shawl ministry? That would be a lot of fun to come to a meeting sometime, and make things for that.

Maybe this will spark some interest? I don't know that many knitters/crocheters in the area, but I'm sure they're there!


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  • 7 months later...

Hi! We've moved to North Alabama, and if you're still wanting to do something like this, I'd be very interested! I think there might be a few more of us from the north Alabama, southern Tennessee area that might drive and meet for something like a retreat. :) Great idea!


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  • 3 months later...

Don't forget about the Yarn Swatch Party taking place at Yarn Expressions in Huntsville on Sunday, July 13.


It's going to be a lot of fun, you'll get to eat, meet me (I now you're all just super-thrilled about that! :P), and get a goodie bag with lots of yarn samples in it. Cost is $10, and you have to make reservations by Monday, July 7. Click here for all the details!

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