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Guest KnitTamDiva


Guest KnitTamDiva

Hello, I've been browsing this forum and have to say that I love all of the creations that you ladies have put your time and energy into.


I am interested in finding someone who knows how to make Rasta Tams or if anyone has any ideas on getting started.

They should look something like this---? www.caribcon.com/hats.html


Thank you in advance

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3 answers to this question

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Hi and welcome to the forum, though I suspect this post may be moved to the Seeking Patterns section, I can help.


Rasta Hat Pattern


I don't know if you want to add a brim to it or not, but there are several patterns out there with a brim you might add to the rasta hat, like this one:


Almost a newsboy cap


Good luck

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Guest KnitTamDiva

Thank you so much for replying. Since I don't crochet I was wondering if anyone here knows how to make the Tams or hats similar to that. I am trying to start a business and would like to find someone who makes those hats.


Thank you in advance.

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