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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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:hookThank you so much, Theresa :)

I am sitting here sniffing, as I have just posted a pic of the shawl, and expressed what it means to me...... here is the url:



I am crying now, and I know I will cry at both my kid's weddings! Why does something so happy make me cry? :lol


Just very moving, I guess...... so awesome to see these wonderful people who were my wee babies just a few minutes ago, being such fine and lovely fellow travellers~!:yay

big hugs, sniff sniff:c9



It is beautiful, Noreen! I have tears on my cheeks reading your post. Thank you!
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Again it is beautiful, Noreen! My oldest daughter is going to be proposed to soon (that's the plan from boyfriend anyway) and I have been thinking of this shawl to make for her too. You are an inspiration! I think I cry at happy times for my kids because I feel so blessed and thankful that they are mine through God. Most times I just can't believe that I had a hand in making them into the good people that they are. Thank you for the shawl and inspiration!

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weepy weepy! happy happy.......



Again it is beautiful, Noreen! My oldest daughter is going to be proposed to soon (that's the plan from boyfriend anyway) and I have been thinking of this shawl to make for her too. You are an inspiration! I think I cry at happy times for my kids because I feel so blessed and thankful that they are mine through God. Most times I just can't believe that I had a hand in making them into the good people that they are. Thank you for the shawl and inspiration!
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Noreen, the shawl is stunning! I am so touched by your words. :manyheart


Thank you for sharing this very poignant and personal heirloom with us, and of course for designing the beautiful butterfly shawl that happens to be one of my favorites to wear everywhere!

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Ah, thank you sooooooooo much, Paulette! I am soooooo happy with the shawl! Our daughter and her fiance were here for supper, and she tried the shawl on, and we had another happy weep! LOL!

Such sentimental folk are we!


big hugs


Noreen, the shawl is stunning! I am so touched by your words. :manyheart


Thank you for sharing this very poignant and personal heirloom with us, and of course for designing the beautiful butterfly shawl that happens to be one of my favorites to wear everywhere!

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I love the way it looks without a fringe, so we shall have to see what Chloe thinks. .......... also, I don't want the shawl to overwhelm the beauty of her dress......


When I finished it, I held it in my arms and cried. I hugged it and a rush of memories poured through me. Right from the moments after her birth, when I felt an overwhelming sense of awe at having given birth to this beautiful child, as well as having given birth to a new mother (me!) - through to standing in awe of this glorious young woman! :yes


I also felt a sense of connection with every other mother who has poured her love into making a symbol of the love she feels for her daughter. Every young woman should know that she is so loved and honoured!

big hugs



Dear Noreen,

Thank you for this lovely sentiment. It makes me happy to see it. I didn't grow up that way, so it is very special to see love expressed, and children cherished.

I do think the shawl is so beautiful without fringe. I didn't put fringe on mine, and I love it that way. I put a border all around. I could see tiny flowers, or picots, or even tiny pearls crocheted on. Plain is good too!


I love the sentiment that your daughter will be wrapped in your love for her wedding :manyheart

"Beauty does that to me ".......Deborah Kerr in 'An Affair to Remember', explaining why she is crying after first kiss with beloved. (Cary Grant)

Also re-read the play ( or see one of the filmed versions) 'Our Town' and see Thornton Wilder's take on crying at weddings.............it is universal!!!!!

Just take a pretty hanky to the ceremony!!

Thanks for the beautiful words!

hugs too......

Zuzu :cat

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I am relatively new here. I mostly read and look at the beautiful designs. I must admit I have been crocheting away on several projects as a result of this site!


I am totally in awe of your designs, Noreen (I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name). This shawl is absolutely beautiful. I also went to your blog and read through and looked at all your beautiful work. Your words touched me. You're creativity totally inspires me!


Thank you for sharing such a special part of your life with us. I have a son getting married in October and I just may have to make my future daughter-in-law this shawl! I may also have to make the mother of the bride and myself one. Maybe it will be something we can always remember that special day by!!


Thank you again!!

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Hello Kkatiez :)


I am relatively new here. I mostly read and look at the beautiful designs. I must admit I have been crocheting away on several projects as a result of this site!


that's great!


I am totally in awe of your designs, Noreen


thank you so much!!!!

(I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name).


:lolOf course not!


This shawl is absolutely beautiful.

thank you so much!


I also went to your blog and read through and looked at all your beautiful work. Your words touched me.


and thank you again!


You're creativity totally inspires me!




Thank you for sharing such a special part of your life with us.


You are so welcome!


I have a son getting married in October


congratulations! Joy!


and I just may have to make my future daughter-in-law this shawl!


I hope that you will enjoy making it as much as I have! It was a joy to design, and a joy to create again in silk!


I may also have to make the mother of the bride and myself one. Maybe it will be something we can always remember that special day by!!


Oh, that would be wonderful!!!!


Thank you again!!


You are so welcome, and thank you!



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Dear Noreen' date='

Thank you for this lovely sentiment. It makes me happy to see it. I didn't grow up that way, so it is very special to see love expressed, and children cherished.


ZuZu, dearheart, I hope that you are reaching back to that little girl that is still alive and well in you, and saying to her: You are loved! And all shall be well!


I do think the shawl is so beautiful without fringe.


I agree! The silk has enough presence to carry it off quite nicely!


I didn't put fringe on mine, and I love it that way. I put a border all around. I could see tiny flowers, or picots, or even tiny pearls crocheted on. Plain is good too!


:flowerFlowers would be sweet!


I love the sentiment that your daughter will be wrapped in your love for her wedding


Yes, I think it is so important for her to step into her new life, knowing that she is completely embraced and launched by our love!


"Beauty does that to me ".......Deborah Kerr in 'An Affair to Remember', explaining why she is crying after first kiss with beloved. (Cary Grant)

Also re-read the play ( or see one of the filmed versions) 'Our Town' and see Thornton Wilder's take on crying at weddings.............it is universal!!!!!

We are all such mushbuckets that we'll all be sobbing our eyes out! LOL!

How attractive! RED eyes in the photographs! :blush:laughroll


Just take a pretty hanky to the ceremony!!


Essential! :lol:rose


Thanks for the beautiful words!

hugs too......



thank you, ZuZu!


Noreen :snow:flake:wbrr:wcold:wgrin

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thank you, ZuZu!


Noreen :snow:flake:wbrr:wcold:wgrin

Dear Noreen,

Thank you so much for your sweet words. Your lovely words made me cry..........and in a good way! You are so sweet, and you made me feel good to read your words.

Your loving kindness shines out from you, and I am happy to know you!

Your generous heart shows in your creative designs.


In some wedding customs, the mother, and I guess , both parents, lead the bride around the groom seven times. Some theorize that it is to pass on the making of a loving home to the bride, to create a circle of love. Some say this is too sexist, as the responsiblilty falls only on the woman, and they do not do it. Also, it depends if the bride is coming from a house of love. Then both sets of parents hold a prayer shawl over the heads of the bride and groom. It is beautiful to see.


I'm not sure where you live, but I am sorry it is so cold! I love snow, but alas, over the weekend, we walked along a waterfront shopping area, and greeted the lovely dogs sitting in the outdoor cafes in the summer weather!! Well, we are happily expecting cold (relatively speaking!) and welcomed rain!

:manyheart Zuzu :hug

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And, thank you, ZuZu!

I just loved your description of the blessing shawl being held by the parents.... I told our kids about it and it's something they are considering!




Dear Noreen' date='

Thank you so much for your sweet words. Your lovely words made me cry..........and in a good way! You are so sweet, and you made me feel good to read your words.

Your loving kindness shines out from you, and I am happy to know you!

Your generous heart shows in your creative designs.


In some wedding customs, the mother, and I guess , both parents, lead the bride around the groom seven times. Some theorize that it is to pass on the making of a loving home to the bride, to create a circle of love. Some say this is too sexist, as the responsiblilty falls only on the woman, and they do not do it. Also, it depends if the bride is coming from a house of love. Then both sets of parents hold a prayer shawl over the heads of the bride and groom. It is beautiful to see.


I'm not sure where you live, but I am sorry it is so cold! I love snow, but alas, over the weekend, we walked along a waterfront shopping area, and greeted the lovely dogs sitting in the outdoor cafes in the summer weather!! Well, we are happily expecting cold (relatively speaking!) and welcomed rain!

:manyheart Zuzu :hug[/quote']

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You did a GORGEOUS job on it! Enjoy enjoy!:clap:cheer

Blessings and hugs




Thank you very much. And I have to say that all the posts and discussion in the CAL helped to make my shawl go fairly simply. I only frogged one butterfly and that was because I mis-read a portion of the instruction.

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  • 1 month later...

It's just gorgeous, WendyLee, so I hope that you will enjoy it for years!


Well done!






Thank you very much. And I have to say that all the posts and discussion in the CAL helped to make my shawl go fairly simply. I only frogged one butterfly and that was because I mis-read a portion of the instruction.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Because of a death in the family, and our son's wedding, I had a long hiatus on the crochet along for the butterfly bag, but am back at it again. Here is what I have been up to:




I've been working on the connecting meshes that will capture the motifs on the butterfly bag for the Butterfly bag crochet along.

I've just posted pics of the 3 different mesh stitches that I am using in the crocheted butterfly bag:







:D hugs all round,


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Noreen, I've been following your blog as you celebrate the wedding and honor your loved one who has passed to memories... you are a lovely spirit.


Your butterflies are absolutely lovely and a joy to behold.


I am working on my second butterfly shawl, in color this time, and hope to make another project using your beautiful pattern that will be a bed cover for my daughter in college.


The shawl I made from your lovely design is my proudest crochet creation!:manyheart

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Paulette, you made my day! thank you thank you!:hug


Butterflies are such a powerful symbol of transformation, renewal and blessings, that I feel like I NEED to be making them right now....

things are so intense (and now, our horse is sick and I think she's on her way out, which is going to be so hard for Jim- oh my...)


so, I am going to keep making butterflies! Butterfly medicine!


I look forward to seeing your colorful butterflies!





Noreen, I've been following your blog as you celebrate the wedding and honor your loved one who has passed to memories... you are a lovely spirit.


Your butterflies are absolutely lovely and a joy to behold.


I am working on my second butterfly shawl, in color this time, and hope to make another project using your beautiful pattern that will be a bed cover for my daughter in college.


The shawl I made from your lovely design is my proudest crochet creation!:manyheart

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I just love your butterfly projects, your shawl and bag are both on my to do list, but it may be awhile before I get to them, other things keep taking over. Anyway, I do have a question about the fabric to make the bag out of. I have a bit I bought earlier for the lining, but what about the other piece, the outer one. You used fleece I think? Does it have to be that, I'd like to use a plain black silk or satin maybe, but I can see it would be awfully thin then. What do you think?

Thanks again for all of your work on this , I'm so glad you take the time to share it with us!

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Hello Sheila

Thanks so much :)

I used fleece as it's so easy to work with.... it doesn't fray or unravel.


The lining can be made with regular lining- which is what I intend to do.....


Hope this helps.... :yay





I just love your butterfly projects, your shawl and bag are both on my to do list, but it may be awhile before I get to them, other things keep taking over. Anyway, I do have a question about the fabric to make the bag out of. I have a bit I bought earlier for the lining, but what about the other piece, the outer one. You used fleece I think? Does it have to be that, I'd like to use a plain black silk or satin maybe, but I can see it would be awfully thin then. What do you think?

Thanks again for all of your work on this , I'm so glad you take the time to share it with us!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so excited I can hardly stand it!:c9

What a week it's been.... I completed 2 major design projects and have also finally finished the Crochet along Butterfly bag

so I am doing a serious happy dance here! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Here are the links for the final stages of my Butterfly bag:













I am such a happy camper! I'll have the bag with me at Chain Link (The Knit and Crochet Show this summer), so if you'll be there, I'll be happy to show it to you!

Happy Dancing! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! big butterfly hugs! Noreen

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