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50 Great Yarn Tips... (on LB site)

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Lionbrand has 50 Great Yarn tips posted on their site, all sent in from customers. Fun to check them out and some of them are very useful!!!




Here are a couple of them I liked...


In teaching crochet to my grade school students, I cut a U-shaped opening in a plastic liter bottle, put the yarn in it, threading one piece through where the cap was, and tape up the large opening. That way the student sees the color and can help him or herself to the color needed. This way yarn is not ever tangled or wasted. They loved it and so did I. -- Annie --


When ever I am working on a project I like to make sure that the person receiving the item gets it in pristine condition. I take a two gallon platic bag with a zip top and use a hole punch to make a round hole near the top. I thread the yarn through it and viola! My yarn stays clean even if it falls on the floor. I can also keep the whole project together needles and pattern (which I put in a clear plastic cover you can purchase at an office supply store). -- D. L. Powers --
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