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A man knew I was crocheting!!!!

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As I sat, taking admissions for my son's volleyball game, and crocheting, a man walked up to me and asked me what I was crocheting. I was floored!! Then he said that his daughters both crochet and had made each other blankets for Christmas. I was just so amazed that a stranger, and a man knew I was crocheting instead of knitting, like they usually say.:think


What do you think about this?



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The man's educated...God Bless him...


The Christmas before last I crocheted snowflakes to put in my Christmas cards...when I talked to my BIL later, he remarked that he loved the snowflake and that he "didn't know I crocheted..." and I was like, "Wow, he knows about crocheting..." but really he should have known about crocheting...his home is full of stuff his wife crochets...both of them were in awe of the threadwork...because that is something she doesn't do...


Nice feeling...

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I think that's awesome! I love a man who knows his crochet. My best friend's boyfriend knows how to crochet and the last time I was down in Miami visiting, we were able to "talk shop" :lol, so to speak. I was really impressed that he didn't feel self-concious at all!

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That's pretty cool...I just found out my neighbor across the hall (a guy in his late 30's) also crochets. I was surprised/impressed.


My BF, on the other hand...the first time he caught me looking on here, he asked, "What's Crotch-It-Ville?" :lol

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