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Suggestion for WIP's & To Do's (Updated with link to download Spreadsheet!)

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I found a neat way to keep track of all the items I'm working on and things I plan to do and when I need them done.


I created a worksheet in Excel and made columns with who the item is for, the name of the item, where I got the pattern from (website, particular book, etc) when it needs to be finished, how much i have done and when i mailed the item.


Maybe I'm the last person to think of doing something like this to organize my crocheting but in case anyone else out there has a hard time remembering things and such, thought you might be able to use the tip...


P.S. If anyone would like a blank Excel spreadsheet, just e-mail me with your e-mail addy and I'll send it to you as I'm not sure how to post an Excel spreadsheet on my page...


Post #6 has the link to download the sheet. ENJOY!

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What a great idea! Do you also note the hook size and where you are in the pattern? I think you are sharp for coming up with a spreadsheet! I only have one wip at a time (or else I'd never finish anything! I hate to go back; I don't even like to make socks or booties because I don't like to make the same thing twice! :lol) but this is a great idea for people who sell and design! Kudos!:yay

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I have a looseleaf book and on each page I put all the important information about the project that I completed. I also include a small piece of yarn and the wrapper it came in. In addition, I include price, hook size and any important information about the project. I also have a spread sheet with the money I spent (although I stopped that after I finished all my scarves for xmas). I really dont want to know how much I have spent!!!!


Next, I need to include a picture

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I hear ya. I hate keeping track of the cost too! But when you think of the unique gifts of love people receive, it all seems worth it, doesn't it?? :manyheart I checked out your pictures; your scarves and blankets are beautiful! Maybe I'll post some stuff someday. I just finished a baby sweater and hat and am in process of making a matching blanket. I know 3 people who are pregnant - well, one just delivered, so only 2 left now, but I have lots of stuff to make! Take care.

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