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Ruhama’s in Whitefish Bay, WI - Lynn's Review


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After reading about my rough experience at the Yarn House, kad2mgd suggested I check out her favorite store, Ruhama’s. So I ran out last night and did just that! It’s a ways out of my usual territory, but I work out in that direction so it wasn’t that hard to run over there after work.


It’s a bigger store than I expected for a LYS and has a great selection of really nice yarns. We are talking higher end yarns here though, so keep that in mind. I would definately go here if I had a specific project in mind, but not the safest place to go wallet-wise if you are just going to play with yarn and add to your stash :) I picked out what happened to be a few skeins of the cheapest yarn I found while browsing, and that was $5.50 a skein.


The salespeople were really nice without being pushy. They stopped to check on me when I started wandering around petting all of the yarn to make sure I didn’t need help, and left it at that when I said I was just browsing and feeling…hehe.


I personally still prefer Cro Sha for most of my yarn hoarding needs. They are a bit more in tune with my pocketbook and unlike any other yarn store I’ve been to…it’s not full of only knitters. I feel for people like kad2mgd who have allergies though, because Cro Sha has a store cat and often have dogs that visit from next door. But next time I start a really nice project I’ll definately be heading to Ruhama’s again.

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