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UK members- has any had problems with this site?


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I placed an order with Angel Yarns at the end on November and received part of my order with the other two balls of yarn supposedly 'to follow'. 8 Weeks after I placed my order I am still waiting for these two balls of yarn. I have emailed them 3 times now trying to find out what is happening but none of my emails have received a reply. I just wondered if anyone else had any experience of orderering from them??


I can understand delays but to just ignore customers emails is plain rude. Plus if I had been told at the time of order that 2 of the balls were currently out of stock I would have changed my order.

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I have never used Angel yarns before, so thanks for the warning!!

i always use "dianes" http://www.cpu-enterprises.com/index.html shes really very good and no matter what size of order you only pay one postage cost which is less than £2.


I also sometimes use "MCA direct"



I hope you get it sorted from Angel yarns.....its so annoying when that happens :blush

good luck! :hug

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I had a similar problem - try going to visit their forum which explains what is going on in full (employee basically not doing any work then got fired, lots of backorders to fill which they have no paperwork on so are waiting to get contacted about). I ordered well before xmas and no order arrived, then emailed, phoned etc with no response. Eventually I had to post on their forum to try and get them to contact me - and one of the moderators kept deleting my posts without passing them on to the owner and then banned me even though I didn't do anything wrong apart from saying that I was "quite angry" (literal wording) about my posts being deleted without having a response. Luckily the owner was browsing and saw my post before it got deleted and got in touch - the order was cancelled, money was refunded and they sent a row counter and nifty tape measure as a sorry through the post (and reinstated me as a forum member with an apology for the unreasonable banning). I think they still have problems regarding their technology as my emails just weren't getting through - and it sounds as though you have the same problem. I would register with the forum and the minute you get approved (takes a few hours) private message the owner (think her name is Tess, but if you check the guest post page you'll see her reply to the post "Disappointed" which explains all) and explain your dilemma.


To be honest, I'm not going to be ordering from them again as I have found the sites someone else listed above as well as http://www.getknitted.com and http://www.discountyarnsale.com which have pretty good prices and sale pages. GetKnitted offer a fantastic service and chuck in various mini-goodies with the orders I've placed (mini-soaps and lollipops and pens - that sort of thing). While I don't hold a grudge, I just want to use the easiest service possible. I do love their range though and will check back in the future with a little order to see whether it works better if there is something I can't get anywhere else.


Let me know how it goes for you. If you don't get any reply, private message me and I'll dig out the owner's email address and give it you.

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I actually tried to join their forum to find out what was going on and found that registration is closed at the moment- but posted as a guest in the one thread I found that would alllow that. My main problem was I'd lost the invoice that came with my part order so didn't have a cart id- but luckily found it yesterday. Am going to try again to get through to them but am not holding my breath- all 3 of emails have received no response at all and since I can't register with the forum I have no way of pming my cart id.


I actually ordered some yarn from getknitted before xmas and was very impressed with the service- it came within 3 days and they'd put a pen and some xmas sweets in with my order.



I've browsed on 'Dianne's' but never ordered before- might have to give them a go - thanks for recommendation.

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BTW- I've also looked at discountyarnsale.com but was a bit worried about shipping charges and delivery times- have you ordered from them before???

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I've just placed an order with discountyarnsale.com after seeing that someone else in the UK had had a relatively painless service from them (namely it took a little while to get there but was fine). I've asked for the expedited shipping and is about to be shipped so should get it next week. Will let you know if any probs arise. Wonder if someone should start a "watchdog" style thread on shops... Think I might just go and do that right now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay in letting you know what was going on with this- I thought I had posted but obviously hadn't- I'm betting I started and then one of the kids needed something and I forgot to go back to it.


Anyway- after someone on their forum passed on my details for me I got a short email saying 'sorry your yarn is on it's way'. But since I had decided 8 weeks was long enough to wait I had asked in my last email to them for my money back {just didn't mention it on the open forum cos I assumed because it had been so long and they supposedly refund automatically after 6 weeks, they would contact me and ask me what I would rather do].


Don't think I am going to risk ordering from them again-although they do have nice stuff I usually have to make do with the finds from the bargain baskets at my LYS and only order the dearer stuff as a treat or to make a gift. So when it causes such hassles it takes all the fun out of treating myself.

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I've just placed an order with discountyarnsale.com after seeing that someone else in the UK had had a relatively painless service from them (namely it took a little while to get there but was fine). I've asked for the expedited shipping and is about to be shipped so should get it next week. Will let you know if any probs arise. Wonder if someone should start a "watchdog" style thread on shops... Think I might just go and do that right now...


Did you get your order ok? And do they tell you how much shipping is going to be before you commit yourself to buying??

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It hasn't turned up yet as they have had to order in two particular colours for me (I am buying in bulk after all...). But they are easy to contact and shipping is calculated via a little form on your shopping basket (you can select a variety of international shipping options too). Will let you know when it arrives...

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