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Ripple pattern help, please!



This pattern has me crazy.



Row 2 seems to be throwing me off right now.


*sk 1 sc, 10 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 10 sc, sk 2 sc*.


The way it looks to me is that I'm actually skipping 3 sc after the second 10. But when I do that, it's not lining up right. It's only 9 sc until the top of my next peak(if that makes any sense.) And when I followed the pattern, the ends were way off. I'm thinking if I only skipped the two sc like in Row one, it would line up right. Or would that mess it up even more? Also, am I supposed to repeat Rows 1 and 2, or just 2? I don't see anywhere in the pattern where it says, but then again, I'm fairly new to reading patterns.


One more question. The way it ends with skipping the last two stitches made for a terrible looking edge. What is it that I'm missing about this pattern? This afghan is going to get made whether it likes it or not, and I would really appreciate any advice before I have to frog it for the third time. Thanks, Shauna:manyheart

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2 answers to this question

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Row 2 seems to be throwing me off right now.


*sk 1 sc, 10 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 10 sc, sk 2 sc*.


There is definitely an error here, row 2 should read:


sk 1 sc, *10 sc, 3 sc in next sc, 10 sc, sk 2 sc*.


The asterisk indicating the start of the repeating series of stitches should be after the first skipped sc, not in front of it.


Oh - and you would be repeating row 2 for the rest of the project, row 1 is just your set-up row.


One of our members has a similar pattern that she made and posted here, you might want to check it out and try it instead if you find the instructions easier to follow - it creates the exact same pattern. If you are set on the color sequences, you can still follow those from your pattern, and just use her instructions instead.


HTH :hook



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