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Confused about gauge



Hi All,


I am a fairly new crocheter and am having so much fun trying new projects.

One thing I am confused about is understanding how to measure gauge.

In a pattern I was looking at it reads:


Gauge: one repeat= 3 1/2"; 4 rows= 3 1/4"


What does this mean? How do I figure this out?

Someone please help :think



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6 answers to this question

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Hi! I haven't been crocheting very long either, but I think "one repeat" means that there must be a pattern of stitches that repeats in a row, which would be enclosed by () or [], and that when you do one sequence of those stitches, it should measure (linear measure) 3 1/2" long. The other one means that when you have done 4 rows, they will measure 3 1/4" from the bottom of the first row to the top of the 4th row. If your "repeat" measures too long, then you need a smaller hook; if it's too short, a bigger hook. Likewise, if 4 rows is shorter than called for, you need a bigger hook; if they come out taller, a smaller hook. (Suggestion: if you're making a throw or afghan, don't worry about gauge; it only really matters if you're making a clothing item.) Good luck! Post photo when you're done!

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Thank you so much Leslie, that definetely has helped but I am still a little confused.

For example the pattern starts off with:

Row 1: SC in 2nd ch from hook, (skip next 3 ch, 4 tr in next ch, ch 4, skip next 3 ch, sc in next ch) 6 times, skip next 3 ch, 4 tr in last ch; turn.


Can I use that repeat to figure my gauge and if so, how exactly do I do that?


Thanks so much for any advice!!

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Ok, I wasn't much help, I guess, YET.:think Look at the picture of the finished piece; does it have some pattern to the piece that takes a number of rows to complete, say like a pineapple or other "shape" that gets made over several rows? If so, then "one repeat" would be the width of one of those. For instance, if you are making a ripple, the pattern will tell you the distance from point to point (so you'd have to work a few rows to get the pattern to show up so you could measure it). Does this help? Are you able to apply this to your piece and figure it out?

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:idea Oh, hey, it looks like you're making some sort of fan design. Do you crochet multiple trebles in the chain-4 spaces on the previous row? If so, then your repeat would be from one sc to the next sc (where the pattern starts and stops). Hope this helps!!
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