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Question about sales booklets at Annie's Attic

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When Annie's Attic marks down a booklet, does that mean they are getting ready to discontinue the booklet? There is a booklet that is marked down with a project I was thinking of doing this spring. I have some projects already planned for the next few month so I wasn't planning on ordering the booklet for at least 2 months. However, I am concerned that it will sell out and then be difficult to track down. The booklet has a pattern for a rag basket and patterns booklets for rag baskets seem to be hard to find. I found one site with several nice pattern books for rag baskets, but the seller was charging over the cover price because the booklets were out of print and hard to find.


I am not sure if buying it now would be smart or just paranoid.

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Sometimes they are marking them down, because they are being discontinued, but sometimes it is just a sale.



I find that if I know I am going to want to make the pattern, I will buy it and that way I am sure I will have it when I need it.


With the way Annie's Attic ships, it may not be until spring when you get it.


I ordered some books from them and was told they were shipped on Dec. 29th. I do not expect to get them till maybe the 13th or the 20th of January. They are notorious for taking a long time to receive the order after the shipping e-mail has been sent.:hook

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I would order them now that way when when your ready you won't have to worry about it not being there, I did that and now they don't sell pattern book that I wanted :( I ordered from Annies right around Thanksgiving and was fully expecting it to take forever but was shocked when it arrived two weeks later and only one book was back ordered :hook , you just never know with them.

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Thanks for your advice.


I found a couple booklets similiar to what I was looking for on ebay. Actually a little bit better because the Annie's Attic booklet I was getting for one rag basket pattern (the rest of the patterns were not baskets) and these booklets are all rag basket patterns. I will know by Wednesday if I got them. If I did not I will order from Annie's.

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