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How many of you finished your Christmas Crochet?

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I got it all done. And I've even been packing things down because we move in a week. But then I didn't have to throw the Christmas Eve party, my mum did, so I haven't really been overburdened with baking and such. But everybody got something crocheted from me. :D

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I'm still not quite finished with the couple of gifts I'm making for my mom and MIL. Oops? I'm really close with MIL's and should have it finished and blocked tonight and ready to mail tomorrow. My mom's is a little further off but I've already told her it was going to be late. (I'm usually last-minute with finishing gifts but I was a lot worse than usual this year! Even though I've been having to baby my hands a bit lately due to some trouble I've been having, I somehow decided it would be a good idea to make doilies :P )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did. But we only did gifts for immediate family. I only had a few scarves to make and I made a hat for my bro in law. The other gifts were'nt crocheted, and we did buy one thing... a candle for my grandmother because I could'nt think of anything to make her that she would use, and we only did that because she did so much for us this year. We just some po' folks, we could'nt afford alot! lol.:D

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