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Hi, I think I have only told one person about this site, I don't know why that is. I am still newish so maybe that explains it OR my other experience might explain it a little. I joined a grief support group online and got incredible amounts of harrassment for doing that from some of my family. It seemed like one person was jealous of my online friends and fellow grievers. See we all lost a child to suicide and we all had an awful lot in common and a deep need for each other. My older sister and a friend at work do understand my need to "talk" with the fellow survivors. I would meet them in person but financially have not been able to pay for the travel expenses to attend one of the annual retreats. One day that will change though and I will be able to go.


So, what I think is that this internet experience has made meeting new friends so much easier and it feels good. Like someone said for shyish people it is a big help and there are so many wonderful people yet to meet!! I look forward to meeting as many as possible. I took the last two weeks off from the internet because I had company and boy the last two days of that visit I had such internet urges to come to C'ville!!:) and just see how everyone was. I waited though till she left and then came online.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your community!! :manyheart

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I refer to everyone here as my friend. :hug If I'm talking about crochet and I mention a friend, my family knows that I'm talking about someone I met here.


My favorite thing to do is to show off things that my friends have made me (from swaps or just because). I get asked if I crocheted it and I love to say how my friend made it for me. :c9

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