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need help with a pattern



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Welcome to the 'ville!  Your link is not clickable for me.  

Of all the clothing items to make, trousers are...not horribly difficult once you 'get it', but are a little hard to bend your brain around the first time.  I learned to sew when I was 10, and was befuddled for a bit on the first pair before blindly following the directions and then :idea .  I have never crocheted any actual for-people trousers or skirts, but crocheting integrated legs on a toy can be also confusing the first time.  (Purchased knit fabrics don't always hold up well when sat on, either, so I stick to tops and avoid bottoms for crochet and knits).

What I suggest is finding a pattern that is similar and adapting it to whatever your concept item looks like.  Designing from scratch is a different skill set than following a pattern.  Finding  stitch pattern and producing blanket is one thing (and that's not designing), but fitted garments from scratch are quite another.

Edited by Granny Square
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