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Daunting stars



Hi all...just completed a gigantic, c2c, American flag for my son, including the individual 50 stars.  That’s my issue, the stars.  I’m a good crocheter, but a rotten finisher.  Really, really rotten.  I’m just not good at fiddly stuff.

1.  Does fabric glue work on crochet?  Is it permanent enough to stand up to washings?
2.  Are people available to hire to attach the stars?  
3.  If 1 and 2 aren’t options, can you recommend instructions for this task? 

Thank you



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1-I wouldn't trust it, I would sew

2-probably not, but hey you never know

3-I have a flag blanket pattern that I've been meaning to get around to, and when I do I pretty much decided that I'd make (are you sitting down?) 100 stars and sew them aligned, front to back, so you wouldn't see the attachment and it would be double sided viewing-wise, and probably very sturdy.  You might be able to sew them on in a way that wouldn't show on the back, but I don't think that would be as secure.



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