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Blanket pattern help!



Hi there!

I am very new to crochet.  The only item I've crocheted before is a blanket but I followed a tutorial on Youtube. 


I have since bought a beginners pattern and am really stuck!


There are only 4 rows to interpret, but despite trying over and over again (and googling like crazy) I cannot interpret the following:


Row 3: with RS facing and new row color, join with sc in top of ch-3, sc in next 2 dc, working over ch-1 sp, *dc in BLO of skipped sc 2 rows below, sc in next 3; rep from * across, fasten off


I'm currently practising a mini-version of the blanket and understand all the abbreviations.  I keep trying to figure it out but it always ends up looking really wrong.


Any help would be really appreciated! 


Thank you!!


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5 answers to this question

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Welcome to Crochetville and to crocheting!


That doesn't look like a beginner's pattern.  Is it marked beginners or "easy"?  Easy is a step up from beginners.  Did you get the pattern online?  If yes, what's the link to the pattern?  If no, what's the name of the pattern, book, magazine, date (if magazine), designer or anything else that would let us find what you're making?  I assume you're making a blanket, from your last paragraph.


By the way, kudos for practicing on something smaller first!!  Make sure that your test has an even multiple of 4, since your pattern repeats 4 stitches.  If it's not 12, 16, 20, etc. stitches, that will throw off your rows.


I'm going to TRY to break down the instructions as you've written them.  I have to make some assumptions about the previous rows, since I don't know them and can't see a picture.  Basically, I'm writing this blind.  So, it may or may not be correct.  Here is my guess at the steps ...

  1. Make sure that the work has the right side facing you.  It should be the opposite end of where you ended row 2.  You'll be able to tell by looking for the turning chain (chain-3 that looks like a DC stitch) at the beginning of row 2.
  2. Join with an sc in top of ch-3.  Make a slip stitch with the new color on your hook.  Insert your hook in the top chain of the chain-3, just like you would for a regular dc stitch.  Yarn over and draw a loop through.  Yarn over and pull through the 2 loops on your hook. 
  3. SC in next 2 dc, working over ch-1 sp.  SC in the next dc.  Skip the ch-1 space.  SC in the dc right after the ch-1 space.
  4. DC in BLO of skipped sc 2 rows below.  When you did row 2, you skipped an sc in row 1.  Yarn over and insert your hook in the back loop of that sc in row 1.  The back loop is the strand of yarn farthest away from you.  Finish the dc stitch.
  5. SC in next 3.  Do an sc in each of the next 3 stitches.  If one of those stitches is a ch-1 space, insert your hook in the space, under the chain-1 to do the sc stitch.
  6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you get to the end.
  7. Fasten off.

I hope this helps!  Please let us know. 

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Thank you so much for all the help!

The pattern is marked as 'easy' so I guess that was my first mistake!




Here is a link to the pattern:




I'll give it another go tonight with the help you've provided and let you know how it goes!


Once again, thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

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Thanks!  I get it now.  You'll need to remove the pattern.  It's against forum rules, due to copyright, to post an entire pattern, unless you wrote it.  This is especially true for paid patterns.  The picture in the link says it all, anyway.


I was wrong in my assumptions.  What you have is a 3 dc, ch-1 sequence on row 2.  You're doing sc stitches in the 3 dc stitches, then a spike dc over the ch-1.  Click here for a spike dc tutorial.  The difference between the tutorial and what you're doing is that you actually have a free top of a stitch a row below, because you have a skipped stitch.  The tutorial shows how to do it around a post, because there is no top of a stitch when you don't skip a stitch. 


Here are the actual steps...

  1. Make sure that the work has the right side facing you.  It should be the opposite end of where you ended row 2.  You'll be able to tell by looking for the turning chain (chain-3 that looks like a DC stitch) at the beginning of row 2.
  2. Join with an sc in top of ch-3.  Make a slip stitch with the new color on your hook.  Insert your hook in the top chain of the chain-3, just like you would for a regular dc stitch.  Yarn over and draw a loop through.  Yarn over and pull through the 2 loops on your hook. 
  3. SC in next 2 dc.  SC in each of the next 2 dc stitches.
  4. Working over ch-1 sp, dc in BLO of skipped sc, 2 rows below.  When you did row 2, you skipped an sc in row 1 and you made a ch-1 space over that skipped stitch.  Yarn over, because it's a dc stitch.  Go in front of the ch-1 to insert your hook in the back loop of that sc that was skipped.  The back loop is the strand of yarn farthest away from you.  Yarn over and draw up an extra long loop.  It should be long enough for your hook to rest easily on top of the project.  Finish the dc stitch.
  5. SC in next 3.  Do an sc in each of the next 3 dc stitches. 
  6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you get to the end.
  7. Fasten off.
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