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I am so confused! Help.



I followed instructions for the Head of this stuffed snake (toes 5-9) and came up with this. Have no idea if it's correct. Going into the back of he head, I'm not understanding where I'm supposed to work these first 18 SC, and then attach the other piece. It's not even 18 stitches long. Any ideas? Thank you.

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Is this right? I feel like I still made a mistake? I understand tow 1 where it says sc into the reverse side of the chain. Rows 5-9 say "1 ch, work 1 sc in each sc, turn." At this point, an I supposed to be going around the entire piece, or just doing one straight row, then turning, chaining, and doing another straight row? Ugh!



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Try this...


When you finish row 1, put a stitch marker in the first stitch and last stitch. The markers will be close to each other, on the same side. When you turn to start a new row. Make sure that the markers are on the same side as your turn.

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Each row starts on "top" of the center foundation chain and ends at the "bottom" of the center. Every row is a U. So, row 1 is 9 sc on top, 2 sc on the end, and 9 sc on the bottom. For row 2, you turn and crochet into all 20 stitches, increasing at the round end. For row 3, you turn and crochet into ALL of row 2's stitches, including increasing at the round end and continuing along the bottom. Continue making a U shape for all 9 rows.


At the end of row 1, it should look like 2 rows. At the end of row 2, it should look like 4 rows. At the end of row 3, it should look like 6 rows... At the end of row 9, it should look like 18 rows.


Your pattern icludes stitch counts at the end of each row. Make sure you're making the same count. It's extremely important to count stitches at the end of each row. If it doesn't match the count in the pattern, you did something wrong.

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It may look kinda square, but it's not.  Look at a piece of flat crocheting (rows back and forth).  The top looks like >>>>>>>.  The bottom looks like >>>>>>> or ---------- (depending on how you did the foundation.)  The side edges look like twists of yarn.  Now look at your U shape.  3 edges look like >>>>>>> and one edge looks like the twists of yarn.  The one edge that looks like the twists of yarn is your flat side.  It's where you'll join the pieces together. 


You should end up with 9 rows above the center foundation and 9 rows below the center foundation.  They are 1 stitch high.  So, those are your 18 stitches for joining.


Does this help?

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Thank you, I didn't know that about the pics. I removed them. I'm still having trouble. I redid it and when I crocheted into the other side of the initial chain, I got the U shape at one end like you said. As I did more rows, it was straight at one end and curved on the other. However, by the time I was around row 4, it became square looking again-- straight on both ends.

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By the way, you need to remove the pics of the pattern due to copyright rules. You can post pictures you own, like what you made so far. You can also type a couple of rows where you're stuck. Also, we can help more if you provide a link to the pattern or the name and where you found it.

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I see what went wrong. On the first row of the head you were supposed to work both sides of the initial chain. An sc in each stitch, just like a normal row. Then 2 sc in the end, which makes it pivot. Then an sc in each of the unused strands of the initial chain. This creates a U shape. Rows 2-9 add to the U shape. At the end of row 9, you'll have 18 "rows" with one end round and the other straight. Make 2. Join the straight edges with 18 stitches (one for each row.)

I hope this helps! Let me know.

ETA: I'm going to try a picture of what I mean, but I'm on my phone. The o's are the initial chain and the x's are sc stitches.
                  x   |
ooooooooo  x   v


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