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Don't Skid, Honey Pattern





Related to the above mentioned topic title.


I started working this pattern and it is free on raverly, I stopped at the part related to the left thum gusset ; i made the 6 rounds as instructed but i couldn't understand the remaining instruction about continuing.


Could anyone help me abu\out that because i tried to contact the designer but she is not replying..





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2 answers to this question

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Rainbow, there is a Knitting section here on the ville http://www.crochetville.com/community/forum/433-knitting/  that you could post the question in.  


pattern that Sharon linked says to continue as established until 13 sts between markers.  so in the first rows you have established an increase pattern that you are now to continue with.  sorry but I can't give a more detailed answer than that, but if you post in the Knitting section someone probably can help you.  

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