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What do you guys do with fabric waste?

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I think your best bet is to investigate local options in your community.


Unless you're mass-producing in a factory, I can't imagine you're going to need major waste disposal services beyond standard garbage collection.

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What Amy said about actual garbage.


For what's left from production, you have numerous options. Kindergartens and preschools often need a lot of yarn scraps for various crafts, lanyards and so on. They may also welcome bits of fabric.


Depending on how big the remaining pieces of fabric are and what they're made of, senior centers might want them for quilts. Many quilters use pre-cut "charms," which are two-inch squares. If you have cutting facilities, you might be able to cut stacks of charms or diamonds and package them as quilt bits. If the pieces are bigger, you might find a market, even local to you, for bags sold by weight. Finally, tiny its of 100% cotton will compost.

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