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Please please help

Justine Ellis


Please could someone please help me make sense of these instructions? I know to some these will be obvious but I'm really struggling

Slip st in next 2 dc, (slip st, ch 1, sc) in next space between 3-dc groups, [*ch 2, sc in next space between 3-dc groups; repeat from * to next ch-3 space, ch 2, (sc, ch 3, sc) in ch-3 space] twice, ch 2; join with slip st in first sc—50 (54, 58) sc, 48 (52, 56) ch-2 spaces, 2 ch-3 spaces.

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Welcome to Crochetville!


When I get confused, it helps me to write it out.

  1. Slip stitch in next 2 dc to get to the space between the 3dc groups
  2. Slip stitch, ch1, sc in the space
  3. ch2, sc in all of the spaces between the 3dc groups
  4. ch2 to get to the ch3 space.  sc, ch3, sc in that space.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4.
  6. ch2
  7. Join with a slip stitch to the first sc (step 2.)

Count.  If you're doing size small, count 50 sc, 48 ch-2 spaces and 2 ch-3 spaces.  If you're doing size medium, count 54 sc, 52 ch-2 spaces and 2 ch-3 spaces.  If you're doing size large, count 58 sc, 56 ch-2 spaces and 2 ch-3 spaces.


Also, it's against forum rules to post an entire pattern.  You'll need to remove the attachment.  Post a link to where the pattern is.  Typing in the confusing row/round is the best way to get help.  You're allowed to type in a couple of rows before and after, if it helps us understand what is confusing to you.  The idea is to give enough information to get help without giving away the whole pattern.

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Are you confused about the abbreviations? Or the order of operation? Or types of stitches?


Also, it sometimes helps me to put it down for a day or two, retrace my steps and start afresh. Then I understand. Sometimes I just can't make my brain understand what the heck they are talking about!

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I tried putting it down yesterday. I just don't understand. The first bit of the pattern was easy where I was creating the ribbing for the top of the poncho, but now I've got to this next part I'm completely stumped. From what I can see I should only have 54 stitches to work in, yet I've got 3 times that. I am going to have to just stick to the hot water bottle covers I think ☹️

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In this round you're not working into any stitches (except the 2 slip stitches at the beginning.)  The previous round consisted of groups of 3 dc stitches with a chain in between.  Also, it had 2 places where you did 3 chains.  The chains in the previous round created spaces.  Other than the slip stitches to get to the first space, all of the work is done in the previous round's spaces. 


Are you doing the medium size?  Count the spaces in the previous round.  You should have 25 spaces between the 3dc groups, then a chain 3 space, then 25 spaces between the 3dc groups, and then another chain 3 space.  Is that right?


I think a graph might help.  | is a dc, + is an sc, o is a chain.  I'm not doing all of the repetitions, just a sample.


Next rnd:             +oo +oo +oo +oo +ooo+ oo+ oo+

Previous rnd:   ||| o ||| o ||| o ||| o |||  ooo  ||| o ||| o

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IF that's right, then the round that is confusing is right, too.  I think you're confusion is where to insert your hook.  When a pattern says to crochet into a space, it means to insert your hook under the previous row's chain(s). 


So, you're doing your stitches between the 3dc groups and doing 2 chains to skip over the 3dc groups.  When you get to the chain-3, you're going to do an sc in the space under the ch-3, then you're going to chain 3, and then another sc in the space under the same ch-3.

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