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Working out Stitch Count



Hi all,


I'm struggling to get a correct stitch count in this block pattern I'm working on.


It's based on 2 repeating rows. Row 1 is in SC, and sets up chain spaces that are worked into in row 2. Row 2 is in DC, in blocks on 5 DC sts, separated by 1 ch.


As an example:


- Row 1: assuming you're working off a foundation chain (multiple of 5 sts plus 2), you'd work 1 SC into the 2nd ch from the hook. Then ch 5, skip 4 chains in the foundation chain, work 1 SC into fifth ch. Rep. Finish by working 1 SC into last ch.


- Row 2: ch 3, work 1 DC into first available st, ch 1 (to separate the blocks of 5 DCs), 5 DCs into ch space, ch 1, repeat to end, and finish with 1 DC into last st.


But: I want to convert this idea to work off a foundation DC row, AND I want to have a border of 3 DC sts on either side of the "set of five" DC blocks.


I've tried it half a dozen times and I keep on having uneven st counts on the left vs. the right border.


If I start with a FDC row before Row 1, and I want a consistent border of 3 sts on both sides (and, on the DC rows, there must also be 1 ch before the first block of 5 DCs), how do I work out the st count for that first FDC row?


I've attached a photo of the latest picture, where I've yet again ended up with uneven st counts left vs. right.


Thanks so much!


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3 answers to this question

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I'm glad you worked it out! 


I'm going to throw in my 2 cents for anyone else converting a chain foundation to a foundation stitch count.  When you start with a chain, you need to add in chain(s) to get height for the first stitch.  On rows, it's the turning chain, but it doesn't have a name that I know of on the beginning chain.  It's just part of the count.  If the first row is SC, then it's one extra chain that doesn't count as a stitch.  If the first row is taller, then it's more chains that create the first stitch.  For foundation stitches, you're doing that first stitch as part of the foundation.  So, even though you need the chains to create the same height, you don't count them in your foundation stitch count.  For example, let's say you're doing a multiple of 5 plus a stitch on each end and you want 10 of them and the height is DC.  For a chain start, you'd do 55 chains (5 x 10 + 1 for stitch at the end + 4 for the first stitch's height and where it anchors.)  For a DC foundation stitch, you'd do 52 FDC stitches (5 x 10 + 1 for beginning + 1 for end.)

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