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Need help to read pattern

Minka Pinka




I need some help. I've been crocheting for some time now but I've learned by watching YouTube. I just started to try and learn how to read patterns but it's a little hard.

The pattern I'm reading is in UK terms so when it says double crochet (DC) in US is single crochet (SC).

I am a bit confused here so I would really love it if anyone can help explain this to me 


Rd 13: dc30, (dc4, dc2together) 3 times (45)

Rd 14: dc

Rd 15: (dc1, dc2tog) 15 times (30)

Rd 16-20: dc (5 rounds)

Rd 21: (dc3, dc2tog) 6 times (24)

Rd 22-26: dc (5 rounds)

Rd 27: (dc2, dc2tog) 6 times (18)

Rd 28: dc

Rd 29: (dc2tog) 9 times (9)


Thank you so very much in advance.


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3 answers to this question

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First thing that I'd do is convert it to US terms, since that's what you're comfortable with.  Also, the numbers in () are stitch counts and aren't instructions.  You're steadily decreasing from 45 stitches to 9 stitches.


Rd 13: sc30, (sc4, sc2together) 3 times (45)

Rd 14: sc

Rd 15: (sc1, sc2tog) 15 times (30)

Rd 16-20: sc (5 rounds)

Rd 21: (sc3, sc2tog) 6 times (24)

Rd 22-26: sc (5 rounds)

Rd 27: (sc2, sc2tog) 6 times (18)

Rd 28: sc

Rd 29: (sc2tog) 9 times (9)


Next, if I'm confused, I write out the repeats. 

Rd 13: sc30, sc4, sc2tog, sc4, sc2tog, sc4, sc2tog (45)

Rd 14: sc45

Rd 15: sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog, sc, sc2tog (30)

Rd 16: sc30

Rd 17: sc30

Rd 18: sc30

Rd 19: sc30

Rd 20: sc30

Rd 21: sc3, sc2tog, sc3, sc2tog, sc3, sc2tog, sc3, sc2tog, sc3, sc2tog, sc3, sc2tog (24)

Rd 22: sc24

Rd 23: sc24

Rd 24: sc24

Rd 25: sc24

Rd 26: sc24

Rd 27: sc2, sc2tog, sc2, sc2tog, sc2, sc2tog, sc2, sc2tog, sc2, sc2tog, sc2, sc2tog (18)

Rd 28: sc18

Rd 29: sc2tog 9 times (9)


Does this help?  I hope so, since I wasn't sure what part you were confused about.  If I was to guess, it would be because the designer just put sc without the count on the rounds without decreases.  If you're still confused, please write back.  :)

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Thank you it does help writing it out like that I was confused about 

Rd 14 since it only said SC I wasn't sure what it meant but the way you wrote it out helped   


 Thank you if I got confused again I'll write back again.


once again thank you so very much  :)

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