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Puzzled by a seemingly simple stitch, please help!



The pattern I am working with seems straightforward and clear enough yet there is something I don't understand. 

What does it mean to "Skip stitch behind FPdc?" 

I'd know what to do with "skip st before FPdc" or "after" but "behind" I just don't get!!!


I have uploaded the scan of the pattern (from an old crochet magazine) and highlighted the phrase, hoping maybe someone could help me figure it out?


Thank you! 



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3 answers to this question

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Hi, welcome to the ville!


when you do a post stitch, since you are working around the post, the top of the stitch is left free, in other words it is not worked into.  the pattern is telling you not to work into that stitch top, which lies behind the post stitch.  

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not sure if i have said this in a way that makes sense so will try again.


let's say row 1 was all regular dc.  then in row 2 you make a front post dc.  when you make the post stitch in row 2 you work around the post of the row 1 sttich.  that leaves the top of the row 1 stitch unworked, and you can see it "behind" the post stitch.  the pattern is telling you not to sttich into that unworked top.  


not sure that is any more clear or not, I hope it is!  

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Admin Note: I know this sounds like nitpicking, but there really is a reason behind our madness, I promise!


Our forum policies state that we cannot allow scanned images from patterns. Having a blanket policy makes it easier for people to understand. When some scanned images are allowed, but others aren't, it just gets confusing for people and creates more things for us to have to look for. Thymegirl, I know you're brand-new to the forum and probably aren't familiar with all our policies yet, so don't worry about this.


Instead of scanned images of parts of patterns, our policy is that it's fine to type out the instructions for the one line you're having trouble with. Sometimes, if it's necessary in order for others to understand, you may also type out the instructions for the previous row.


I know your scanned image was really just the one line you needed help with, and I understand it may seem nit-picky that we'll allow that line typed out but not in an image. Please just trust me, that the policies we have in place really do result in less admin/modding type of work to be done.


It looks like you're in very capable hands with Kathy helping you out! :)

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