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Placing stitch



I am crocheting Eva's Shawl




Not sure where my stitch should go


Row 4  Stitch to marker, do I dc in the same stitch then  into the space chain one and dc again into space.dc and chain one  miss a stitch and dc into next two sttiches ? Left a little confused  ?




Eva’s Shawl
Row 4 (eyelet row):
Ch 3, DC at base of turning chain,ch1, miss one DC
*(DC in
next 2 stitches, Ch1, miss one DC) to stitch before
next marker, DC into stitch before
marker, Ch sp incr, DC in next stitch, ch 1, miss o
ne DC, repeat from * twice, (DC
into next 2 stitches Ch1, miss one DC) to end of ro
w, 2DC into turning ch, turn
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1 answer to this question

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Lovely shawl! I just looked over the directions and they do seem a bit confusing, especially since there are no stitch counts included for the beginning. I hopped over to Ravelry and there was a great close up picture of someone's work in progress. I went by their  photo and made up a swatch.


Maybe this would be more helpful:

Row 4: Ch3, dc in same st, ch1, sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch1, sk next dc, dc in next dc, Ch sp incr * dc in next dc, ch1, sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch1, sk next dc, dc in next dc, Ch sp inc rep from * * once more, dc in next dc, ch1 sk next dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch1, sk next dc, work 2dc in last st. Stitch count: 24 dc and 11 ch1 spaces.


Good luck!

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