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I've searched and searched but finally asking for help. 


I know how to hdc and FPhdc. The specific instructions on a pattern have me confused though.

It reads: "work FPhdc around the post of hdc below next hdc, skip hdc behind FPhdc, hdc in next hdc; repeat across."


So am I to FPhdc in the row BELOW the one I'm working on (I'm starting row 3 so would normally only stitch into row 2. But is this saying FPhdc in the posts of every other hdc on row 1?)  If that is so, boy is it hard to see where the hdc is that I am to skip!!


Thank you for any help I can get!

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5 answers to this question

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welcome to the ville!


i think it means to skip the next hdc in row 2, then go ahead and stitch into the following st in row 2.  And yes, then repeat that across the row.  the hdc you skip will be adjacent to the last hdc in row 2 that you stitched into, so it shouldn't be too hard to identify.  you can mark it if you need to and then move the marker along to the next st to skip.  But i do have to agree that post st patterns can easily become confusing as everything gets kind of squished together



what is the name and location of the pattern?  

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The link that was provided in the original post goes to a site where the pattern leaflet has been uploaded without permission of the copyright holder. This is copyright infringement, and is illegal. We do not support copyright infringement, and we do not allow any links to any kind to sites that allow and encourage such infringement.

Copyright infringement is having a very detrimental effect on the crochet industry as well as on many other crafting industries. If people download free copies of books/magazines/patterns that are for sale instead of purchasing them from legitimate sources, they are taking money out of the mouths of designers, their families, publishers, the people that work for the publishers, and so on.

Designers and publishers are experiencing greatly reduced revenues as a result of such infringement. For publishers such as Leisure Arts, it means they cannot afford to publish as many new booklets, have to reduce the amount they pay designers per pattern, and will eventually result in layoffs and staff losing their jobs.

I'm sure that if crocheters thought the bad effects on the industry when they use pirated versions of patterns, they would deeply regret their actions.

Susanc122, if you got your copy of this leaflet by downloading from this source, I sincerely hope you will purchase a legitimate version of this booklet at your local craft store, on amazon, or directly from the Leisure Arts website.

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Wow, I had no idea. I thought it was simply giving information ABOUT the booklet, which is what I stated in the post, along with expressing my concern on sharing anything about the pattern. I own the book, like I said in the post; I purchased it in 1987. I think my post made it clear I had no intention of posting anything I shouldn't.

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