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Sl St in top of last dc PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE HELP ME! :(

Aerianna Curtis


Ive been trying for days to figure out how to do this stitch. Nothing Ive seen on youtube or googled has helped me at all. Its all how to use it in circles and other such things and I just dont get it.

Ive managed to figure out how to do a v-stitch and the crocodile stitch all off using google, but this one I am stuck on!!!

Im doing scales (crocodile stitch) using the v-stitch as my base I think youd call it. I have my foundation chain of 177, then I have 57 v-stitches, then on top of those I have my 29 scales. Now I just need to figure out how to do the slip sticth in the top of the last double crochet to move on to making the next row of v-stitches to work my scales on.

Please, please help me! I want to have two rows (or more) of scales done by the 25th when my mum comes so I can show her what Ive learned and not be asking her for help since shes already going to be watching my son and my sister and a girl Im babysitting so I can have a root canal done haha, so Id rather not be also asking her for help when I can show her what Ive learned :)


Thanks for the help in advance.

If youve got a really good video or even pictures I work well off those that will show me slowly step by step how to do it Id be so happy and greatful and very very thankful :)

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7 answers to this question

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Is it you don't know HOW to do the slip stitch or you don't know WHERE the slip stitch is supposed to go?

Sorry, umm I know how to do a sip stitch at the start by making a pretzel kind of and then putting my hook through it, this is telling me to do a slip stitch at the end of my finished row of scales to start onto the next row but I dont understand how to do that. Like where do I put my hook through, do I yo first and then put it through a loop and then yo over again and pull it through two loops like with a dc, or do i put my hook through a loop and then yo and pull it through, I just dont understand that part of it.

The specific instructions for the step are very long, but basically Imdoing 5 fpdc's around my v-stitches and when i get to the last one it says "across to last stitch, slip stitch in top of last double crochet; turn" I under stand where the top of my last double crochet is, I just dont get how I do a slip stitch in it... I only know one way to do the slip stitch.

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Do you know how to make a slip stitch? You simply put a slip stitch in the top of the indicated stitch.


For more detailed help, tell us where we can see the pattern you are using.

I only know one way to make a slip stitch. I shape my yarn like a pretzel sort of and then put my hook through.

Im not sure how to do that. I bought the pattern off of bonnita patterns and its an emailed file to me that I download like a pdf. How do I show you then? Im making whats called a "Crocodile Stitch Hooded Cape"

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I think you are thinking of a slip knot. http://www.lionbrand.com/faq/117.html shows how to do a slip st

OHHH okay :) haha opps my mistake. Getting frustrated makes me confused sometimes :) I looked at those and its showing how to do a circle and at the bottom it shows how to do it in a line, Im guessing thats the one I need because Im doing more v-st right behind and slightly above I think to make another over lapping row so its used to not add height like a dc is right?

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I bought the pattern off of bonnita patterns and its an emailed file to me that I download like a pdf. How do I show you then? Im making whats called a "Crocodile Stitch Hooded Cape"

You can't show us the entire pattern, but you can tell us the name /source of it, and if you bought it online link to the seller.  someone may have the pattern to refer to.  if it were free online you ould link to the source.  In this case we really don't need to see the pattern since it turns out you are only asking about how to make one sttich.


 so its used to not add height like a dc is right?

Right, a slip stitch does not add height.  the uses of sl st are explained briefly in the Lion brand link i posted above.  

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