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Question about # of stitches in a specific row

Genevieve Sclawy




I have the pattern decoded and know all the stitches required for this project BUT am not sure about the # of stitches required for a specific row....


First question ***does this mean round 19 and 20 each have 26 sts in each?***


Pattern reads:


rnd 18: (2 sc in next st, sc in next st) 4 times, sc in last 14 std - 26 sts


rounds 19 & 20- sc in each st around




Second question: i understand round 21 has me decrease stitches and the pattern for round 23 and 24 doesn't indicate how many sts (drives me NUTS!!!) so since round 22 ended with a total of 32 sts does this mean the following round will have 32 sts?  My logic is telling me since i decreased stitches, there will be LESS loops for me to stitch in the next round....


round 22: (dec next 2 tog) 4 times, sc in last 28 sts - 32 sts


round 23 and 24- sc in each st around




I am just confused when a round requests decreases because that means 



Thank you so much!!!!!!!


Genevieve :)





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when it says sc in each stitch around, you are neither increasing or decreasing so the number of stitches stays the same as the previous row.


Are both your questions about the same pattern?  if so, something is off.  if round 20 has 26 stitches, then round 21 includes decreases, but no increases, and then round 22 includes decreases, round 22 will not have 32 sts.  


Please tell us the name of the pattern and the source---name of seller or book/magazine.  if it is free online you can link to the pattern.  

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Thank you SO much for replying!


Yes it is the same pattern... and now I feel better for being confused  ;)


This pattern is from Vanna White's easy crochet critters- the hippo one.  I have attached a photo to the original post of one page that includes round 22 and on...


Hope it helps you a bit??? 



when it says sc in each stitch around, you are neither increasing or decreasing so the number of stitches stays the same as the previous row.


Are both your questions about the same pattern?  if so, something is off.  if round 20 has 26 stitches, then round 21 includes decreases, but no increases, and then round 22 includes decreases, round 22 will not have 32 sts.  


Please tell us the name of the pattern and the source---name of seller or book/magazine.  if it is free online you can link to the pattern.  

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You might want to reread the site guidelines, we are not supposed to post photos or scans from patterns as that viol;ates the pattern copyright.


Be sure you are reading all lines of the pattern carefully.  Round 21 has 4 decreases, but  also has 14 increases---"2 sc in each of last 14 sts"----and the stitch count at end of that round is 36.  then round 22 decreases by 4 to a st count of 32.  


So I'm not sure if I've answered your question, let me know if anything is not clear.  

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so if it doesn't give the # that means it will be the same # as the previous row?


thank you!!!!   happy sunday!




actually this pattern does give the # of sts at the end of each row that involves a change in the #.  only rows that don't give a # are the ones where you work even.  

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I don't think you can depend on that...there could be a round where they accidentally left off the number.


Better to rely on what the words say. If you stitch in each stitch, or "work even" etc. then you havent added or subtracted anything.

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