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help please? Cardigan pattern

Michelle Louise Stead


Hi. I Bought the Peter pan p1064 pattern and wad wondering if anyone can help with this part? It's one of the first things I've done that isn't Square!!!! It's a Cardigan, the pattern states after working the armhole and front slope, to work the front opening edge 0 (1,2,3,3,4) sts as tr sts on every row, patt a further 2 (0,3,1,1,3) rows. I Don't understand this so any help would be greatly appreciated! Tia!

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5 answers to this question

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Your pattern comes in mutiple sizes, when they do this they give information in this format Size A(B, C, D, E, F)


Usually the pattern will say something like 'pattern is written for size A , sizes B, C, D, and E and F are in parentheses'.


I find it helpful to figure out my size, and circle the number for my size each time the multi sizes show up.  Example if I want a size C, I'd circle the second number inside the parentheses.


The zeros in your example mean, for that size just ignore and go to the next direction in the pattern.

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Hi granny square, thank you for your reply!


I understand the bit that you explained about the sizing, it's the part where it tells me to work the opening front edge, I'm doing the second size, so the first number in the brackets, so it tells me to do 1stitch As treble stitch (uk terms) on every row, then pattern a further 0 rows


what is the 1 stitch as a treble on every row?

Sorry if my question wasn't overly clear


I have attached the piece I'm working on if it helps?


Thank you for your help!



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Hi, sorry I went down the wrong track there.


I am looking at your pic, and where your yarn end is (on the arm side).  Are these 2 lines the last lines for the front piece?  If so, for your size, I would just work the next row like the last one, with the last treble in the top of the ch-3(4?) in the row below.

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I kept reading and re-reading your first post (because yes, it is a little confusing), I THINK it is saying for your size to put 1 triple at the front opening edge, and the rest of that row would be in pattern - without any decreases.  At one point I also was thinking it meant a row of all trebles...but that didn't make sense if you imagined how the other sizes would work.  It would make sense for the transition row from increasing to 'working straight' to have a varying number of triple stitches at the front edge, but not to work a row or rows of all triples and then start up with the pattern again.


And yes, if what you wrote in the first post is the last 2 instructions for the front, that would be the last row for your size.

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