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Blocking large pieces crocheted from thread



What is the best way to block large pieces made from thread? I would like it to be pretty straight. I've never blocked pieces this large. 

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Having just blocked a shawl a little too big for my blocking mat, I would recommend the interlocking foam boards many are using.  You can even buy the ones used on playgrounds.  The genius of them is that you buy as many as you want and use only what you need. They're called blocking mats.  Here is a link.

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I made an Altar cloth for the church's sacrament table and I used a "door" to block it on.  I covered it with sheets to keep the cloth clean.  I used horse shoe nails to hold it down.  I misted it with the mister I use to iron filled with a dilute starch water mix, very dilute.  The cloth body was as large as the door approx. 36"X 74" and then had a border of eight inch pineapples which hung over the sides.  I pulled and pressed the pineapples until they did what I envisioned.  It really looked nice as a finished product and since most of the blocking used odds and ends that I repurposed, it was quite inexpensive.

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