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Chart Pattern, Please Help!



I have no idea how to read chart patterns, but it looked really easy, until I sat down and tried to start :0(  I found this free pattern online and wanted to make it for my daughter for Easter. 


http://gosyo.co.jp/english/pattern/eHTML/ePDF/1005/w2/29-210-23_Casquette.pdf  ( I can post this right, cause its free? I hope so!)


I don't understand how to tell the "sc2tog" and the "2sc in same st" apart if the pattern is a circle.  The whole thing is just very foreign to me so if anyone can help that would be great! 





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2 answers to this question

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Don't let the circular aspect throw you...You want to look at the symbol orientation relative to the center of the circle.


All of the 2 sc in one st are in the first part of the hat, since this is an increase. So these are all in the part that shows as a big circle. Then after You complete those 21 rows, you start decreasing, as shown in the part of the chart that is above the circle. Here you see the upside down V symbols.


These "Gosyo" patterns are put out by the Pierrot yarn company, and there are illustrated stitch tutorials that you can Access from their Pattern Club page. http://gosyo.shop.multilingualcart.com/free1.php


There are nice tutorials for using Japanese patterns on Dancingbarefoot's blog http://dancingbarefoot.wordpress.com/japanese-pattern-tutorials/

She actually works with the Pierrot company on translating the text of their patterns to English, and is active in a group on Ravelry for using Japanese patterns, if you are interested in loooking at that as well.


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Sc2tog is a decrease (dec). This is taking 2 sts down into 1 in order to make less sts on the working row than were on the last row.


2 sc in same st is an increase (inc). This is putting 2 sc in 1 st in order to make more sts on the working row than were on the last row.

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